[AWS] Slow HTTP-upload performance

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov at ada-ru.org
Wed Nov 8 15:38:55 CET 2006

Emmanuel Briot wrote:

>> I think there is should be user callback to receive uploaded data.
>> Otherwise we would have to write uploaded data to temporary files, and
>> user would have to move it somewhere else.
>> Direct write to necessary place is at least 2 times faster.
> I do not understand this. Moving a file, on almost all file systems,
> is almost free in terms of cpu and disk usage. And it is an atomic
> operation, which has the advantage that the file is only available in
> its final destination when it has been fully transfered.
> I think the current implementation makes sense.

Right we could move files instead of copy if it is in the same phisical
But user could want to do not use file operations to get uploaded data,
it is much faster.

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