[AWS] AWS Build Problem

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov at ada-ru.org
Mon Jul 24 04:09:33 CEST 2006

Jessica Fléchet wrote:

> Hi,
> I am still trying to build AWS. Here are the tools I am using:
> Cygwin with GNU make 3.80. (I have ensured that It was this make which
> is using to build AWS and not a make from GNAT).
> I have downloaded AWS GPL 2.2.0 and GNAT GPL 2006.
> When I enter the command line "make build", I have these messages:
> ssl.gpr:36:06: unknown project file: "aws_config"
> ssl.gpr:54:25: unknown package or project "Aws_Config"

I have the same errors without
in the build environment.

Pascal, I do not see the notes about ADA_PROJECT_PATH environment
variable in the INSTALL windows section.
I think we should note about it.

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