[AWS] Unable to build AWS

Adrian Hoe mailbox at adrianhoe.com
Sun May 22 13:11:56 CEST 2005

On Sun, 22 May 2005 09:27:26 +0200, Pascal Obry <pascal at obry.net> wrote:

> Yes, there is probably a missing -I/path/to/posix when compiling  
> tp-print_tree.

Yes, I edited src/makefile and the problem is gone. Below is the first few  
lines of makefile. I added $(INCLUDES) at the end of line  
# $Id: makefile,v 1.93 2004/03/03 10:43:41 anisimko Exp $


GARGS   = $(GFLAGS) -I. -I../ssl -I../include $(INCLUDES)

GY_tmp  = $(patsubst -gnatwe,,$(GFLAGS))
TGARGS = $(patsubst  
-gnaty3abcefhiklmnoprst,-gnaty3abcefhiklmnprt,$(GY_tmp)) $(INCLUDES)
# We do not want to check for separate spec for the demos (s  
option).        ^^^^^^^^^^^

>>>> Rest of code snipped <<<<

One problem is solved but another comes:

=== Build tools
Building awsres
Undefined                       first referenced
  symbol                             in file
posix__posix_error                  ../src/aws-os_lib.o
posix__to_posix_string              ../src/aws-os_lib.o
posix__file_status__is_directory    ../src/aws-os_lib.o
posix__file_status_E                b~awsres.o
posix__io_E                         b~awsres.o
posix__process_identification_E     b~awsres.o
posix__files_E                      b~awsres.o
posix__calendar__to_time            ../src/aws-os_lib.o
posix_E                             b~awsres.o
posix__permissions__implementation_E b~awsres.o
posix___elabs                       b~awsres.o
posix__file_status__last_modification_time_of ../src/aws-os_lib.o
posix__io___elabs                   b~awsres.o
posix__file_status__is_regular_file ../src/aws-os_lib.o
posix__file_status__size_of         ../src/aws-os_lib.o
posix__permissions_E                b~awsres.o
posix__permissions___elabs          b~awsres.o
posix__file_status__get_file_status ../src/aws-os_lib.o
posix__calendar_E                   b~awsres.o
ld: fatal: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to awsres
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
gnatlink: cannot call /opt/csw/gcc3/bin/gcc
gnatmake: *** link failed.
gmake[1]: *** [awsres] Error 4
gmake: *** [build_tools] Error 2

I believe it can't find libflorist. Just want to confirm my finding.

Best regards,
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." - Leonardo DaVinci.
"Complexity is simplicity that has failed." - Adrian Hoe, June 23 2004.

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