[AWS] problem sending e-mails.

Vincent Tourvieille vincent at tourvieille.org
Fri Jul 15 07:11:06 CEST 2005


I am having problem successfully sending e-mail 
using the aws.smtp interface.

My environmemt is 
windows 2000,
gnat 3.15p
AWS 2.0p

I think I have confirmed that my smtp server is valid, 
and that it is using the default port, by asking the IT department and
when I do 
ping smtp.myserver.com 
it replies to me without problem.

I run MS-Outlook and send and receive fine e-mails.
The smtp server is an exchange (microsoft) server.

However each time I send an E-mail I get the
exception aws.smtp.server_error.

One guess is that the exchange server is requesting
some kind of authentication that isn't provided,
but I really have no idea.

Anyone could help ?



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