[AWS] Re: Unable to built latest CVS version of AWS

Pascal Obry pascal at obry.org
Thu Feb 3 22:28:31 CET 2005


 > I uninstalled the older software and installed MinGW-3.2.0-rc-3.exe
 > There is no make program.  Which one should I get?

Ok, this is on a separate package. The MingW make from the same location
should be ok.

mingw32-make-3.80.0-3.exe from



--| Pascal Obry                           Team-Ada Member
--| 45, rue Gabriel Peri - 78114 Magny Les Hameaux FRANCE
--|              http://www.obry.org
--| "The best way to travel is by means of imagination"
--| gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-key C1082595

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