[AWS] ld: cannot find -lz error when compiling AWS.

Vincent Tourvieille vincent at tourvieille.org
Thu Apr 28 17:58:01 CEST 2005


I am trying to compile a simple (non ssl) AWS-based program with gnat 3-15p
under Windows 2000, with the following project file:

project Debug is
  for Object_Dir use "object";
  for Main use ("hello");
  for Exec_Dir use ".";
  for Source_Dirs use 

end Debug;

Launching gnatmake -Pdebug.gpr,
I get the following output from the compiler:
(the current directory is c:\temp\abat\)
(all AWS files have compiled fine already by a previous call to
gnatmake -Pdebug.gpr)

gcc -c -o c:\temp\abat\object\hello.o -gnatA c:\temp\abat\.\hello.adb
gnatbind -x hello.ali
gnatlink -o c:\temp\abat\.\hello.exe hello.ali
ld: cannot find -lz
gnatlink: cannot call c:\PROGRA~1\GNAT\bin\gcc.exe
gnatmake: *** link failed.

A simple non AWS-based Ada program compiles and run successfully.

Any help in fixing this "cannot find -lz" error
is appreciated,


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