[AWS] FW: problem with SLICE in Templates Parser

anders.wirzenius at wartsila.com anders.wirzenius at wartsila.com
Thu Sep 16 19:11:52 CEST 2004

I try to resend this mail since the copy of my previous attempt didn't
show up in my mail.
Forget this if you got the mail twice.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wirzenius, Anders 
> Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2004 4:59 PM
> To: aws at lists.act-europe.fr
> Subject: problem with SLICE in Templates Parser
> What's wrong when i get an error message from Templates Parser:
> Execution terminated by unhandled exception
> Message: In CIT_list.tmplt at line 22 Unknown filter SLICE. 
> Call stack traceback locations: 0x454e75 0x438ad0 0x43dde3 
> 0x44a949 0x440280 0x40fa5b 0x4015f3 0x401103
> BR 
> Anders
> CIT_list.tmplt looks like this:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> <h2>Search in Service Desk on information field:</h2>
> <FORM method="post" action="/CIT-Search">
> <TR><TD></TD></TR>
> <TR>
> <TD>
> <SELECT Name="CIT" size="15">
> @@TABLE@@
>    @@END_IF@@
> >
>    @_CIT_SEARCH_@    
>    @@IF@@ @_EXIST:CIT_NAME1_@
>       (
>       @@IF@@ @_SIZE:CIT_NAME1_@ < 30
>          @_UPPER:CIT_NAME1_@
>       @@ELSE@@
> ---------------- problem with SLICE--------------------------
>          @_SLICE(1..30):CIT_NAME1_ at ...
> -------------------------------------------------------------
>       @@END_IF@@
>    @@END_IF@@
> @@END_IF@@
> )</OPTION>
> </TD>
> <TD valign="top"><input type="text" name="Text" 
> size="25"></TD> <TD valign="top"><INPUT TYPE="submit"></TD> 
> </TR> </TABLE> </FORM>
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> The program looks like this:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> with Ada.Text_IO;
> with Templates_Parser;
> procedure CIT_Test is
>    CIT_ID     : Templates_Parser.Vector_Tag;
>    CIT_Search : Templates_Parser.Vector_Tag;
>    CIT_Name1  : Templates_Parser.Vector_Tag;
>    use type Templates_Parser.Vector_Tag;
>    procedure Add_Row (ID, Search, Name : String) is
>    begin
>       CIT_ID         := CIT_ID & ID;
>       CIT_Search     := CIT_Search & Search;
>       CIT_Name1      := CIT_Name1 & Name;
>    end Add_Row;
> begin
>    Add_Row ("anders", "bnders", "cnders");
>    Add_Row ("anders", "SECURID", "cnders");
>    Add_Row ("anders", "bnders", "cnders");
>    Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
>      (Templates_Parser.Parse
>       ("CIT_list.tmplt",
>        Templates_Parser.Translate_Table'
>        (1 => Templates_Parser.Assoc ("CIT_ID", CIT_ID),
> 	2 => Templates_Parser.Assoc ("CIT_SEARCH", CIT_Search),
> 	3 => Templates_Parser.Assoc ("CIT_NAME1", CIT_Name1)
> 	)));
> end CIT_Test;

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