[AWS] Clean Termination

Ted Dennison dennison at ssd.fsi.com
Thu Sep 16 16:47:06 CEST 2004

Ian Broster wrote:

> Is there a nice way to cleanly terminate a server, externally from
> a request? That is, the request must complete and return a page
> to the browser before the server shuts down?
> Calling shutdown from within the request does not return
> a page, and other hacky methods (timeouts, monitoring ports etc)
> are just that.

A semi-hacky method would be to set a flag at the end of the request 
handling routine. If the flag is read by a low-priority task, that would 
be safe on a uni-processor machine. I wouldn't be satisfied with that 
these days though. I'd me more inclined to hack a "request shutdown" 
routine into AWS that is callable from within request handlers.

T.E.D.   Work     -  mailto:dennison at ssd.fsi.com
         Home     -  mailto:dennison at telepath.com (Yahoo: Ted_Dennison)
         Homepage -  http://www.telepath.com/~dennison/Ted/TED.html
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