[AWS] Troble with wsdl2aws
Poul-Erik Andreasen
poulerik at pea.dk
Tue Jun 29 15:59:54 CEST 2004
Pascal Obry wrote:
> > strange anyway her it is:
>This should be working using CVS AWS, so if your are adventourous...
hey again
I have now the CVS AWS vesion up running and i
also mange to get wsdl2aws to function witout any
problems, but the final code gives me som trouble.
I get the following errormessage when
running the GetLast function.
raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : datafeedservice-types.adb:23 tag check failed
the line 23 is in the folowing function:
function To_Candle_Type
(O : in SOAP.Types.Object'Class)
return Candle_Type
R : constant SOAP.Types.SOAP_Record := SOAP.Types.SOAP_Record (O);
artificial : constant SOAP.Types.XSD_Boolean
:= SOAP.Types.XSD_Boolean (SOAP.Types.V (R, "artificial")); --
this is line 23
closePrice : constant SOAP.Types.XSD_Double
:= SOAP.Types.XSD_Double (SOAP.Types.V (R, "closePrice"));
flat : constant SOAP.Types.XSD_Boolean
:= SOAP.Types.XSD_Boolean (SOAP.Types.V (R, "flat"));
id : constant SOAP.Types.XSD_Integer
:= SOAP.Types.XSD_Integer (SOAP.Types.V (R, "id"));
maxPrice : constant SOAP.Types.XSD_Double
:= SOAP.Types.XSD_Double (SOAP.Types.V (R, "maxPrice"));
minPrice : constant SOAP.Types.XSD_Double
:= SOAP.Types.XSD_Double (SOAP.Types.V (R, "minPrice"));
openPrice : constant SOAP.Types.XSD_Double
:= SOAP.Types.XSD_Double (SOAP.Types.V (R, "openPrice"));
periodType : constant SOAP.Types.XSD_Integer
:= SOAP.Types.XSD_Integer (SOAP.Types.V (R, "periodType"));
time : constant SOAP.Types.XSD_Long
:= SOAP.Types.XSD_Long (SOAP.Types.V (R, "time"));
timeIndex : constant SOAP.Types.XSD_Integer
:= SOAP.Types.XSD_Integer (SOAP.Types.V (R, "timeIndex"));
volume : constant SOAP.Types.XSD_Long
:= SOAP.Types.XSD_Long (SOAP.Types.V (R, "volume"));
return (SOAP.Types.V (artificial),
SOAP.Types.V (closePrice),
SOAP.Types.V (flat),
SOAP.Types.V (id),
SOAP.Types.V (maxPrice),
SOAP.Types.V (minPrice),
SOAP.Types.V (openPrice),
SOAP.Types.V (periodType),
SOAP.Types.V (time),
SOAP.Types.V (timeIndex),
SOAP.Types.V (volume));
end To_Candle_Type;
this function witch are used as a formal paramerter in the generic:
function To_ArrayOfCandle_Type is new SOAP.Utils.To_T_Array
(Candle_Type, ArrayOfCandle_Type, To_Candle_Type);
i hope you or someone else can give me some hint.
regards poul-erik.
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