[AWS] Re: AWS and CGI

Pascal Obry pascal at obry.org
Fri Jun 25 19:28:56 CEST 2004


 > I can't speak for the authors of AWS, but I can state that
 > I actually prefer that AWS does _not_ have CGI capability.

We do not want this too. AWS was born to escape the CGI world!
We also try to avoid all scriptings on the Web pages, and I
think the templates engine that comes with AWS is a proof
that it is possible to do so without compromize on powerness.

 > If it should ever gain that capability in the future,
 > I would like to see it enabled/disabled at compile time.
 > One of the things that I really like about AWS is the "secure"
 > aspect of it (besides the Ada side of it :). 

This is indeed a point we have in mind all the time. Security always
comes before speed for example.

 > So many things today, get heaped up with so many features
 > that they actually detract from some of the reasons the
 > product was successful in the first place for. I would
 > welcome continued development of AWS, but would hate
 > to see it get further complicated with unnecessary
 > additional features.

We have one goal in mind. Always make it simple to do simple things.
Since version 1.1 AWS core does not have changed a lot BTW. We are
adding features around it to support more things but this is most of
the upward compatible to current programs. For example the famous Hello
World demo in AWS 2.0 is as simple as the one in the first AWS alpha version
made around 2000.



--| Pascal Obry                           Team-Ada Member
--| 45, rue Gabriel Peri - 78114 Magny Les Hameaux FRANCE
--|              http://www.obry.org
--| "The best way to travel is by means of imagination"
--| gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net --recv-key C1082595

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