[AWS] Deploying an AWS program

Kevin Andrew Lipscomb kevin.lipscomb at kvrs.org
Wed Jun 23 02:35:47 CEST 2004

I am brand new to AWS and find it very promising.  I want to use it to 
develop various web applications that must be publicly available on the 
Internet.  But I do not run (or wish to run) my own web host.  I just have 
a home machine with a DSL connection and a dynamic IP address.

Because I envision uploading my AWS applications to professionally-run 
host, the way I do with my PHP scripts, or say, a CGI program or a Java 
servlet, I am also thinking it should be possible to upload an AWS 
application to a professionally-run host.  But what minimum requirements 
should I look for when I pick a professionally-run host for my AWS 
applications?  How do I deploy my AWS applications to such a host?

Or am I headed in the wrong direction altogether?

-- Kevin Andrew Lipscomb
-- http://kal.webhop.net

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