[AWS] AWS as a service on a Win2000 server

anders.wirzenius@wartsila.com anders.wirzenius@wartsila.com
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 08:58:27 +0200

> From: Pascal Obry [mailto:p.obry@wanadoo.fr], who wrote:
> Is that using the code in AWS/demos (runme_control.adb,=20
> runme_service.adb) ?

Sorry for misleading you ... well, no and yes. Lazy as I am, I just took =
the runme.adb example and modified it to my needs. The program connects =
to two Oracle databases and to the AD on the Windows net and fetches =
information about network users, user groups, IT support cases etc.

>  >=20
>  > I have tried both with   =20
>  > AWS.Server.Wait (AWS.Server.Q_Key_Pressed);
>  > and
>  > AWS.Server.Wait (AWS.Server.Forever);
>  > in the runme.adb
> The second one is the right one for services.

Thanx. Done.
Does it do any harm to the service if I display information, like
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (OCI.Thick.Connections.Server_Version(Connect));
which displays the Oracle version information on a console?
>  > Has anyone succeeded in register AWS as a service on a Window box?
> Yes, definitly.
> As the runme demo uses SSL are you sure you have the SSL DLLs=20
> on the PATH or in the service executable directory ?

About the runme demo, see above. I don=B4t use any SSL.
