[AWS] AWS-1.2 Forcing Display on Address Dialog Box

Jacob Sparre Andersen sparre@nbi.dk
Wed, 5 Mar 2003 17:38:52 +0100 (MET)

Anh Vo wrote:

> <<You can't - and shouldn't be able to - force the browser to
> show a different URL than the one the browser actually is
> showing.>>
> Actually, the browser did not show the correct
> URL/<filename>.html it displays after AWS tells it to.

If you have a concrete example then you should send it as a
bug report to the authors of your browser.

> <<Wrong!  Try `telnet www.yahoo.com 80` and see what actually
> happens.  Or deactivate ECMA Script in your browser.>>
> I chose the wrong example in this case. It is very often
> that surfing a website with fttp://www.<domain_name>.com
> for example, then the browser displays as
> http://www.<domain_name>.com/index.html. So, the request
> is not served as intended.

I have never observed that a browser has showed a URL that
didn't match the page the browser showed (with the exception
of when external viewers are called - and the browser is
without control).

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