[AWS] a question!

David Marceau davidmarceau@sympatico.ca
Thu, 13 Feb 2003 13:23:15 -0500

Francisco Sánchez Rodríguez wrote:
> Hello, thanks a lot for the answers to my las question. I solved the
> problem changing method post by get.
> Now I've a new question.
>         I'm trying to set the upload directory by editing the aws.ini
> file.
> I wrote:

It is true using relative directories is a good idea since you might
want to move your aws directory along with your demos to somewhere else.
If your config files use relative paths this transition will be smoother
One suggestion, you might want to explicitly describe your directory in
order for you to ensure you are writing to the proper place.
Then once you know it's working then go ahead and test it using a
relative directory.
You might be surprised and it could be working but it's just writing to
another directory location that you misinterpreted.
That's what happens a great deal of time when you try to build any of
these infrastructure libs(i.e. aws, xmlada, gtkada, or any c lib for
that matter like kde, openssl or gcc itself.)  It misses the a relative
directory that is somewhere else on your machine either for sources or
libraries or binaries :)  If anybody has better strategies feel free to
share them.  

Now going back to your particular situation:

> Upload_Directory ./usr/me

A few possibilities:
1)Did you mean ~/usr/me ? mkdir -p /home/frank/usr/me
2)the "./usr/me" directory is not in your current directory.
For example you're in "/home/frank/aws/demos" to run your program, that
makes "./usr/me" == "/home/frank/aws/demos/usr/me".
Does your "/home/frank/aws/demos/usr/me" exist? mkdir -p
3)It is not using your aws.ini.

> But it doesn't work(the uploaded files are storaged in the directory
> where is my server).

Since aws has the default "." upload dir on, and actually downloaded the
file, aws is working correctly.
Actually this confirms that aws is not reading your aws.ini file.  
There must be another .ini file on your machine that aws is using.
It could be just using its default values because it didn't find the ini
file where it was expecting it.  I suggest you moving your .ini file in
another directory.

I hope this helps.

David Marceau