[AWS] I only receive one line

David Marceau davidmarceau@sympatico.ca
Tue, 11 Feb 2003 14:20:25 -0500

Francisco Sánchez Rodríguez wrote:
> Hello
>          I'm using a form with a textfield where one can fill in several
> lines. The html code is:
> ...
> <textarea name="texteditorvalue" rows="7" cols="53"></textarea>
Note in the text_input.adb the name is described with
Notice the two double quotes.  I hope this helps.

> ...
> But in the server side, I only receive the first line.
> I proove it with:
> ...
> if URI="/sendform" then
>         ada.text_io_put(Parameters.Get(P_List,"texteditorvalue"))
> ...
> and I only saw the first line.
> What can I do? Where's the problem?

Check out the demos/text_input.adb.  
It's a small web server demonstrating exactly what you want: 
receiving the data for everyline in a multi-line textarea control.

I tested it and it works for me.  Good luck :)

David Marceau