[AWS] Encoding problems with SOAP

Arnaud Rolly arnaud.rolly@eikonex.net
Fri, 12 Dec 2003 15:17:18 +0100

Hi! I've an encofing problen with SOAP.

What's the encoding of the string returned by 

   function Get (P : in List; Name : in String) return String;
   --  Returns parameter named Name in P as a String value. Raises
   --  Types.Data_Error if this parameter does not exist or is not a String.

(in SOAP.Parameters) ?

It seems that it's in the 'ada' charset encoding (basic_8bit), despite the 
fact that the soap call is made with UTF-8 encoded parameters.
If so, is there a way to force a UTF-8 output of the Get function ?

Arnaud Rolly.