[AWS] cookie

David Marceau davidmarceau@sympatico.ca
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 16:21:10 -0500

> Michal Morawski wrote:
> I have the following problem:
> Other server sent a cookie to client, then redirects cliebt to
> AWS. Then AWS should read the value of this cookie and behave
> properly.
> Can I do it in  simply?
> Micha? Morawski
First off AWS has an internal cookie handling facility provide via the
Session Handling see Section 3.3 of the AWS documentation.

I found this at:
That said you are talking about maybe communicating an apache or
netscape web server  which redirects a client along with a special
HTTP Redirection

       How to redirect ? 

                 /*IE 4.0 could have problem with HTTP 302 answer which
contains a body. Corrected in NES 3.6 */
                 param_free( pblock_remove( "Location", rq->srvhdrs ) );
                 pblock_nvinsert( "Location", pszTo, rq->srvhdrs );
                 protocol_status( sn, rq, PROTOCOL_REDIRECT, NULL );
                 protocol_start_response( sn, rq ); return REQ_ABORTED; 

       How to redirect with a cookie ? 

                 pblock_nvinsert( "Set-cookie", "Cook1=ROAD_RUNNER;
path=/; domain=.hp.com", rq->srvhdrs );
                 param_free( pblock_remove( "Location", rq->srvhdrs ) );
                 pblock_nvinsert( "Location", pszTo, rq->srvhdrs );
                 protocol_status( sn, rq, PROTOCOL_REDIRECT, NULL );
                 protocol_start_response( sn, rq );
                 return REQ_ABORTED; 

       How to show to user the URL that I am redirecting the browser to

                 /* This tells the browser (well, NS Navigator at least)
to tell the user where
                  he's been redirected to, but without him having to
click a link */ 
                 /* We know where we're going, so we can force the type,
etc. */ 
                 param_free(pblock_remove("content-type", rq->srvhdrs)); 
                 pblock_nvinsert("content-type", "text/html",
                 param_free(pblock_remove("path", rq->vars));
                 pblock_nvinsert("path", "/path/to/redirect.html",
                 /* This allows the user to know where he went instead
of what he wanted */ 
                 param_free(pblock_remove("Location", rq->srvhdrs));
"http://myserver/redirect.html", rq->srvhdrs); 

       How to redirect on a POST? 

                 /* This function redirects POSTs to the script
"spam.cgi" to the
                  other function "echo.cgi". It doesn't tell the client
it's doing so, though. */
                 NSAPI_PUBLIC int cgi_redirect(pblock *pb,Session
*sn,Request *rq) {
                         FuncPtr F;
                         char *old = pblock_findval("uri",rq->reqpb);
                         char *find;

                         find = strstr(old,"spam.cgi");
                         if (find != NULL) {
                                 F = func_find("send-cgi");
                                 return (F) (pb,sn,rq); 
                         } else { 
                                 return REQ_NOACTION;

       How to redirect with SSL? 

                 /*In some case (IE) redirection with SSL on could
                 to avoid this Set the content-length header*/
                 NSAPI_PUBLIC int cgi_redirect(pblock *pb,Session
*sn,Request *rq) {
                         pblock_nvinsert ("set-cookie", auth_cookie,
                     pblock_nvinsert ("Location", redirect_url,
                     pblock_nvinsert ("Content-Length", "221",
                     protocol_status (sn, rq, PROTOCOL_REDIRECT, "Moved
                     protocol_start_response (sn, rq);
                     return REQ_ABORTED;}

               NTrans by Josh Andrews, jrandrew@pepperdine.edu