[AWS] Still curious ;-)

Pascal Obry p.obry@wanadoo.fr
Sat, 8 Jun 2002 16:44:47 +0200

Preben Randhol writes:

 > Ok so a last question. Do anybody have a link to a nice
 > introduction/tutorial on SOAP for somebody who though soap only was
 > something he would use in the shower ;-)

Maybe http://www.soapware.org/bdg
A complete introduction is here: http://www.w3.org/TR/SOAP/

 > I guess I could also use AWS and SOAP for my talk program? I mean a
 > program that can simoultaniously send and recive characters between two
 > machines. You send one and one character and not a whole line, so that
 > the other person can see what you type as you type.

Of course it is possible. But I think SOAP is not the best solution here. SOAP
is for medium to large grain services. For a talk like program I would use
GLADE. I have built a demo chat program with GLADE, it was quite easy.

Well maybe SOAP is ok for this too... Hum... would be a nice demo to 
contribute to the AWS demos directory :)



--| Pascal Obry                           Team-Ada Member
--| 45, rue Gabriel Peri - 78114 Magny Les Hameaux FRANCE
--|         http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pascal.obry
--| "The best way to travel is by means of imagination"
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