[AWS] More on cookie support, also te chunked bug

Matt Benjamin matt@linuxbox.nu
Sun, 16 Sep 2001 17:57:49 -0400 (EDT)


I'm in a situation similar to Ehud Lamm in a previous post (found in the
archive), I'm working with client code, and need cookie support.

I'm in a position where I would need to duplicate your work, so maybe you
could indicate when your future release will take place?  I don't mind
writing this myself, I'd just like to use the standard code where

Finally, I noticed a problem doing POST with a recent Apache server, where
if the server sends data with chunked transfer-encoding, we try to read
two bytes for the chunk length--even when there may be only one byte.
Leads to CONSTRAINT_ERROR.  I have a fix for this, using an exception
handler, if this is useful to anyone.

Thanks for a WONDERFUL effort, Pascal.


Matt Benjamin

The Linux Box
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