[AWS] Features for the future

Florian Weimer Florian.Weimer@RUS.Uni-Stuttgart.DE
05 Sep 2001 11:04:07 +0200

Pascal Obry <p.obry@wanadoo.fr> writes:

> Are you thinking about GNUTLS or do you have something else in mind ?
>     http://www.gnu.org/software/gnutls/gnutls.html

Yes, some day, this will be ready, I hope.  Currently, the GNU TLS
library is under active development, and it will take some time until
you can rely on it.

> Another question, does every Web browser implements TLS security ?

GNU TLS also supports SSL v3, and OpenSSL supports TLS.

OTOH, I wouldn't worry too much about web browsers.  Although many of
them implement SSL v3 nowadays, few of them deal with cryptography in
a responsible manner and have no other security-compromising features.

Florian Weimer 	                  Florian.Weimer@RUS.Uni-Stuttgart.DE
University of Stuttgart           http://cert.uni-stuttgart.de/
RUS-CERT                          +49-711-685-5973/fax +49-711-685-5898