[AWS] Client side

Ehud Lamm mslamm@mscc.huji.ac.il
Sat, 1 Sep 2001 21:12:04 +0300

Well, I wanted to see if this list is active, as I haven't seen any posts

As I already told the authors directly, AWS is great, and a huge resource
for Ada programmers. Thanks.

So as to make this post a bit more interesting, let me rasie some issues
that are of interest to me at the moment.

I am more intereted in building web-clients (crawlers, filters etc.) than
using the server. AWS allows you to write simple client side programs, with
remarkable ease. One problem I encountered was that the site I wanted to
traverse uses both cookies and Javascript. Both are not really esential (I
don't need to keep the cookies for ever, for example),. but without dealing
with them, as they are part of the authization process, I can not get to the
HTML. Any suggestion on how to solve this without to much work, would be

The main reason I put in the "without too much  work" requirement above is
that I am thinking about using this as a class project for my students.
Since they don't have to know a thing about the web, HTTP, and so on, all
this low level work must be done by the framework. Otherwise I want be able
to use this as an assignment.

Anyone else uses or plans to use AWS in education?

Ehud Lamm   mslamm@mscc.huji.ac.il