Matt Benjamin matt@linuxbox.nu
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 11:08:04 -0500 (EST)

Whee!  I can't wait to spin this up.



Matt Benjamin

The Linux Box
206 South Fifth Ave. Suite 150
Ann Arbor, MI  48104

tel. 734-761-4689
fax. 734-769-8938
pgr. 734-431-0118

On Mon, 29 Oct 2001, Pascal Obry wrote:

> 			    A W S - Ada Web Server
> 				 1.1 release
> Authors:
>    Dmitriy Anisimkov
>    Pascal Obry                                            October 29th, 2001,
> Dmitriy Anisimkov and I are very happy to announce the availability of the
> AWS 1.1 release. The API could change slightly at this stage but should be
> fairly stable now.
> AWS stand for Ada Web Server. It is not a real Web Server like Apache. It is
> a small yet powerful HTTP component to embedded in any applications. It means
> that you can communicate with your application using a standard Web browser
> and this without the need for a Web Server. AWS is fully developed in Ada with
> Here are the main changes:
>   - Server push implementation. Tested only with Netscape Navigator.
>   - SOAP - beta implementation of SOAP. Support all SOAP types. This
>     implementation has been validated through http://validator.soapware.org/
>     and therefore should be quite inter-operable with other SOAP
>     implementation. This implementation covers the SOAP client interface and
>     as all supports to build SOAP servers.
>     Versions that validate on http://validator.soapware.org/ are the AWS
>     version string (AWS.Version) catenated with the SOAP version string
>     (SOAP.Version).
>   - Add accept queue size parameter to help building heavy loaded servers.
>   - Fix the Runme NT service demo.
>   - Web Servers is started only if needed (during Server.Start) call and not
>     when declaring the HTTP objects.
>   - Max Connection is not anymore a discriminant. This parameter is set with
>     the Start routine. This change is not upward-compatible, but it is worth
>     it since now, it is possible to change the server configuration
>     dynamically. What need to be changed:
>     1) Removes the discriminant on each HTTP objects
>     2) Pass the number of maximum connections (was the discriminant) in the
>        Server.Start call.
>     This will make the server configured the very same way.
>   - Handle User_Agent and Referer HTTP headers.
>   - Add message size in the log files (last field). Now the log format is 100%
>     compatible with the standard ones (Apache and Internet Information Server).
>   - Add server start time in the status page.
>   - Add support for user's log.
>   - Properly terminate task Session.Cleaner and release associated memory. Fix
>     a memory leak.
>   - Properly wait for tasks termination before releasing memory. Fix memory
>     leak.
>   - Improves the documentation.
>   - Install AWS as a library (libaws.a)
>   - As always some minor bugs have been fixed but are not listed here. See
>     src/ChangeLog and SOAP/ChangeLog.
>   - Change the build procedure, should be easier and it is cleaner. See
>     documentation.
>   - First version of the regression tests suite. This will help keeping AWS
>     more stable.
>   - Add timeouts support for the AWS client interface. Because of this the
>     AWS.Client.Create routine has its spec changed (it was a function it is
>     now a procedure).
>   - In AWS.Client, default retry count is set to 0 (was 1 before). Now the
>     AWS.Client routines wont try more than once to get the data by
>     default.
>   - Properly handle textual (text/html, text/xml...) data that is chunked
>     encoded.
>   - Fix SSL support in AWS. The SSL layer should now be as reliable as the
>     standard socket one.
>   - Update distribued Win32 OpenSSL library to version 0.9.6b. Also now there
>     are built as DLL.
> NOTE: Since we have switched to the .PNG file format we have found that
> Netscape Navigator is not able to display the PNG transparent layer properly!
> At this stage we feel that AWS is ready to build small to medium Web
> server. AWS has been reported to work under Windows NT, Linux and FreeBSD 4.1.
> With this new version you'll need at least version 0.1.11 of the Socket binding
> from ENST. It has been tested and works fine with version 0.1.13 too. See
> pointers below.
> The OpenSSL libraries (optional) distributed are for Windows and GNAT
> 3.13. GNAT 3.12 users must build the libraries from sources or obtain another
> set of pre-build libraries see pointers below.
> Under UNIX you'll have to build the libraries from sources, it is quite easy
> to do so. This has been tested under Linux without trouble.
> See documentation for build information.
> Pointers:
> ---------
> AWS User's Mailing List:
>    http://lists.act-europe.fr/mailman/listinfo/aws
> AWS Home Page (sources and documentation):
>    http://libre.act-europe.fr/
> Templates_Parser sources:
>    Templates_Parser module (sources and documentation) is provided with AWS
>    distribution. Latest version of this module and the documentation can be
>    found at:
>    http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pascal.obry/contrib.html
>    http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pascal.obry/templates_parser.html
>    Temlates_Parser is a very useful add-on for AWS. You should have a look at
>    it if you plan to develop a Web service. Templates_Parser permits to
>    completely separate the HTML design from the Ada code.
>    Some other Templates engine are WebMacro, FreeMarker, PHP, ASP, JSP and
>    Velocity. All of them are based on explicit iterators (#foreach with a
>    variable) where Templates_Parser is based on implicit ones (you use a more
>    intuitive table iterator). Be sure to check the documentation. Only
>    the Velocity project has the goal to support complete separation of HTML
>    design and code.
> XMLada (optional):
>    You need this library only if you want to use AWS SOAP feature. You need
>    at least XMLada 0.6.
>    http://libre.act-europe.fr/
>    XMLAda 0.6 has some memory leaks. This has been fixed now, so with future
>    version of XMLAda it will be possible to build long-lived servers.
> Socket binding:
>    for Win32:
>       http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pascal.obry/contrib.html
>    for UNIX:
>       http://www.rfc1149.net/devel/adasockets
> POSIX Binding (optional) :
>    for Win32:
>       http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pascal.obry/contrib.html
>    for UNIX:
>       http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~baker/florist.html
> OpenSSL library (optional) :
>    Sources for UNIX or Win32:
>       http://www.openssl.org
>    binaries for Win32 with GNAT 3.13 (and later):
>       Included with the main AWS distribution.
>    Note that we have used and we distribute (for Win32 platform) OpenSSL
>    version 0.9.6b with this AWS release. OpenSSL have been built with GCC
>    version 2.95.2 with optimization (-O3) on.
>    See OpenSSL license (docs/openssl.license).
> Windows Services API (optional):
>    To build the runme demo as a Windows NT/2000 services you must download
>    the services API made by Ted Dennison for his SETI@Home project.
>       http://www.telepath.com/dennison/Ted/SETI/SETI_Service.html
> Reporting bugs:
> ---------------
> You can report bugs to:
>    Dmitriy Anisimkov	anisimkov@yahoo.com
>    Pascal Obry		p.obry@wanadoo.fr
> It would be nice if you could also sent us a note if you are using AWS just
> to know if it is used at all or not :) And if you are ok, we'll add an entry
> for your project in the next section.
> AWS User's Mailing List:
> ------------------------
> A good way to keep informed of AWS news and to share experience with other AWS
> users is to register to the AWS dedicated mailing list. See:
>    http://lists.act-europe.fr/mailman/listinfo/aws
> AWS uses
> --------
> - SETI@Home from Ted Dennison. AWS is used as a "plugable" GUI to retrieve
>   different program status.
> - DOCWEBSERVER from Wiljan Derks
>   In our department we keep our documents in a directory tree. These documents
>   are all project related and have a certain naming convention to be able to
>   find the right document. In the past I already wrote a program that searches
>   though this directory and then converts the found documents into fixed html
>   pages. With AWS I was able to get a much nicer setup. I have now a server
>   that can do the following:
>     - browse through the projects in explorer style. The html contains info
>       about the document like date and title.
>     - one can check in documents through the web interface
>     - it shows our download page as I have send you in the example
>     - we have now all our documentation in small pieces of html as is needed
>       to build .chm (w2k compiled help) files. For these we use a content
>       file, that is also stored in the document archive.
>   The docwebserver gives by reading all this stuff the direct view on this
>   documentation. On the other hand I can run some tool and automatically
>   generate the .chm files.
> - OESM Server (OESM=Overall Equipment Status Monitoring) from Wiljan Derks
>   I am working on a project now for our factories. ITEC mainly delivers
>   equipment for discrete semiconductor assembly. Almost all of that equipment
>   is now controlled by a similar Ada 95 based code with having a lot of code in
>   common. One of the common things, is the way we log errors and state changes
>   of our equipment.
>   The OESM Server is an application which copies all this information
>   continuously to its local pc by opening the proper files on the remote
>   equipment. That data copied is also stored in local files. The web server
>   component of the application can then, making use of that data, give reports
>   that show things like the amount of products produced in a certain period,
>   error paretos of equipment, mtbf, %time in production and of course many
>   other things.
>   The cool thing of course is that this information can easily be charted (I
>   am use kavachart) and it allows simple navigation through different groups
>   of equipments and different views on the equipment.
> - WORM from Pascal Obry
>   (see http://www.ada-france.org/ADHERENTS/101100/05-obry.pdf).
>   A Web server to share bookmarks, this server was using a standard CGI
>   design. To keep session information we were using a GLADE partition. With
>   AWS the design has been really simplified, there is no need for a session
>   partition, there is no need to build all CGI as partitions too. GLADE is now
>   used only to handle distributed objects. Indeed WORM is a multi-server
>   system (using RACW) with a register/unregister mechanism.
>   Also the server seems to be fastest, there is no more CGI to spawn.
> - Internet Currency Trading System at www.actforex.com by Dmitriy Anisimkov
>   This is a server is used to keep historical data about currency trading to
>   build charts of currency prices. The charts viewer part is written in Java
>   and loaded through AWS. This server can be reach on the Internet.
>   Ongoing work is done to based this development on AWS framework only and
>   to remove all the Java layers. It is also interesting to note that this is
>   an heavy loaded server, it has something like 40 to 50 requests per seconds.
> Thanks to all who have reported bugs and have sent us patches.
> Dmitriy & Pascal.
> --
> --|------------------------------------------------------
> --| Pascal Obry                           Team-Ada Member
> --| 45, rue Gabriel Peri - 78114 Magny Les Hameaux FRANCE
> --|------------------------------------------------------
> --|         http://perso.wanadoo.fr/pascal.obry
> --|
> --| "The best way to travel is by means of imagination"
> _______________________________________________
> AWS mailing list
> AWS@lists.act-europe.fr
> http://lists.act-europe.fr/mailman/listinfo/aws