[AWS] Re: Re: get env on Win32

anders.wirzenius@pp.qnet.fi anders.wirzenius@pp.qnet.fi
Mon, 01 Oct 2001 12:35:38 +0200

<<<< Anisimkov  <anisimkov@yahoo.com> kirjoitti >>>> 

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Pascal Obry" <p.obry@wanadoo.fr>
> To: "Anisimkov" <anisimkov@yahoo.com>
> Cc: <anders.wirzenius@pp.qnet.fi>
> Sent: Saturday, September 29, 2001 13:25
> Subject: Re: Re: get env on Win32
> >  > I think AWS is not going to support non standart Microsoft
> authentification
> >  > schemes.
> >
> > I agree. We will certainly not play this game. And anyway I think that IE
> send
> > this message ONLY if he knows to be talking to IIS, right ? So there is no
> way
> > for AWS to support that... except to lie and say that it is an IIS server
> :)
> > BTW, Anders I think this whole thread should be fowarded to the AWS
> mailing
> > list. Maybe we will learn that many other peoples have the same need and
> in
> > this case I'm not against looking at a way to support this...
> I'm sending this letter to the AWS mailing list too.
<<<< Anisimkov  <anisimkov@yahoo.com> lopetti >>>>

Many  thanks to both of you, Dmitriy and Pascal, for your interest in this matter. I have unfortunately not had time to work on this the last couple of days and will not have time for the next few days :-(

Of course I have nothing against to put this thread up on AWS mailing list. The reason why I have mailed personnally to you is merely that it is about non-universal matters: Microsoft Nt network, Microsoft Internet Explorer.

So, to all you on AWS mailing list: 
My original question was: How can I get the network username into AWS from the clients computer without forcing him to enter it through typing it. The network is Windows NT, the browser is Microsoft Internet Explorer, and I do not want to install Microsoft IIS on the server.

I had not looked at the auth.adb example because I misunderstood it to be an example on the https side. Now I have tried it and have got quite nice the authentication window and all worked fine. Hurray! The only problem is to get the authentication data from somewhere in the security standards where you guys ride much faster than I. 

Keep on if you are still interested in these security things. My knowledge about the http protokoll are way lower than you so I can for now not contribute to this discussion with anything clever. 
I steal time from my other damned non-Ada duties for at least reading everything that you write!  
